i like it very much. it's lovely to listen to, and projects the feeling of a lone soul looking onto a world of beauty. infact, does a bit to inspire me with this feeling, being a visual artist. in this piece you find the love expressed from someone about what they find beauty in, and this love may not be shared, but the onlooker in content with what they have, not wanting to upset what they already have.
one thing to think about is that the piano seems lonely, as if the person whos emotions are subject is also lonely. i think it would be lovely if at some point in the song, perhaps when it is slower and just about to pick up again, the piano were to meet a friend: the violin. the violin may help the song to protray itself as less "lonely".
or maybe you prefer the sole image of a pianist alone, observing the beauty they have all to themselves. it all depends on the intentions of the artist. over all, an enjoyable piece.
~with good intentions, sausagename